Zhejiang Taizhou Changli Textile Technology Co., Ltd. - о компании

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Our company specializes in the production of Teslin mesh (beach mesh), curtain mesh PVC mesh, leisure chair cloth, craft mesh, Teslin placemat mesh and other series of products. It is currently one of the large-scale professional manufacturers.Our products have been certified by SGS and ITS, and are listed as superior products. We have today’s internationally advanced production equipment and we organize production and management in strict accordance with the quality system standards. Our products sell well all over the country, among which are mainly exported to the United States, Southeast Asia, Europe, Australia and other countries and regions. Textilene-beach nets are produced on a computer-controlled one-stop assembly line. They are special textiles produced by shuttleless looms. Both warp and weft use composite yarns with special covering structures, namely PVC/PET core-skin yarns. The core is made of high-strength polyester industrial filament from Honeywell, and the skin is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material that is resistant to aging and ultraviolet radiation.

Address:Xiaman Village, Huixi Town, Linhai City




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Zhejiang Taizhou Changli Textile Technology Co., Ltd.
Xiaman Village, Huixi Town, Linhai City
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